The ordinate of a point is the signed measure of its projection on the secondary axis, whose absolute value is the distance between the projection and the origin of the axis, and whose sign is given by the location on the projection relative to the origin (before: negative after: positive). An ordered pair consists of two terms-the abscissa (horizontal, usually x) and the ordinate (vertical, usually y)-which define the location of a point in two-dimensional rectangular space: The abscissa of a point is the signed measure of its projection on the primary axis, whose absolute value is the distance between the projection and the origin of the axis, and whose sign is given by the location on the projection relative to the origin (before: negative after: positive). In mathematics, the abscissa (/æbˈsɪs.ə/ plural abscissae or abscissas) and the ordinate are respectively the first and second coordinate of a point in a coordinate system: abscissa -axis (horizontal) coordinateordinate -axis (vertical) coordinate Usually these are the horizontal and vertical coordinates of a point in a two-dimensional rectangular Cartesian coordinate system.

The distance of a point from y-axis scaled with the x-axis is called abscissa or x coordinate of the point. An ordered pair is used to denote a point in the Cartesian plane and the first coordinate (x), in the plane, is called the abscissa. For example, if (x, y) is an ordered pair, then y is the ordinate here. The distance of a point from x-axis scaled with the y-axis is called ordinate. The distance of a point from the y-axis, scaled with the x-axis, is called abscissa or x coordinate of the point. In common usage, the abscissa refers to the horizontal (x) axis and the ordinate refers to the vertical (y) axis of a standard two-dimensional graph.v kartézské souřadné soustavě ji reprezentuje osa x. hodnota, kterou na této ose reprezentuje daná souřadnice. Abscisa je vodorovná osa souřadnic grafu v souřadné soustavě, resp.